A quarter mile into the walk, I was already huffing and
puffing. Then I saw a hill out in the
distance and totally thought about turning back. But I ignored the easy choice and decided….I’ll
just go up that hill, see what’s next, maybe go further, maybe not. Once on top of the hill, I looked down the winding
road and it was flat. So I decided
to go a little longer. As I continued to
walk, I saw a sign far off in the distance, and again made a decision….I’m just
going to go up to the sign and back.
Breathing heavily, and sweating the whole way, I went up to the sign
turned around and went back (secretly excited I would be going down the hill
this time instead of up). This was years
ago, on family vacation up in Deer River….walking 1 mile up the road.
Whether you are overweight yourself, or know someone that
is, there’s something to keep in mind.
Walking is a simple thing we do each day. But for those that are extremely overweight,
it can be a difficult and dreadful task – even 1 mile, or even a couple blocks. But over time, walking gets easier. At first it’s one sore step in front of the
other, breathing heavily the whole way.
But the more you do it, the more your body (and your mind) gets used to it - which makes
the next time easier, and the next time after that.
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