In a world of constant speed, recalibration periods are
almost critical to keep yourself on track towards your goals. Sometimes they are planned time periods – say, a week away at a cabin. Sometimes they
are unplanned – getting a cold and having to spend a lot of time in bed. The latter, is where I am at the moment.
I found myself reflecting about how I have lost momentum on
some of my goals. I started thinking
about various elements, realizing it’s been a while since I’ve had focus on
them. With January typically being a time
that everyone starts their resolutions….I am starting by recalibrating my

Are the people I am hanging around with supporting or
distracting me from my goals? This is a
tough one. Especially in the dead of winter, when there aren’t a lot of options
to be social that don’t involve ingesting food and drink. But putting thought
into who I have on the support side, tends to remind me there are other
options…especially on days when all I want to be is distracted.
How can I remind myself of the positive, when I feel like
I’m in a hole of negativity? Things may
not be going right at the moment, but there’s positivity I can pull from the
past...What are some of the successes I
can use again....What have I learned from
the times I have fallen down....What
should I pick up and start doing again.
These are just surface level thoughts at the moment. Deep dives into the depths will come with
time, and shared in this form as much as possible. But what I’m realizing is how important it is to build in short bursts of recalibration. Twenty minutes in the morning listening to
music to start the day. Ten minutes here
and there writing a few thoughts down.
An hour having coffee with someone you just like to be around. Or simply, 5 minutes of breathing or meditation. All or any should help recalibrate the pace
of life, and steer me back into the direction of my goals.
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